VACC’s mental health agenda

PREVENTING mental health issues is being campaigned by the Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) with a program backed by Worksafe and aimed at the automotive industry.

Financed by the WorkSafe WorkWell Mental Health Improvement Fund, the VACC has developed the Fine Tuning Automotive Mental Health Program with the specific aim of providing information, resources and practical measures to identify and prevent mental health issues in the workplace.

The VACC said: “The workplace plays a significant role in our day-to-day lives which is why it is so important.

“A mentally healthy workplace protects and promotes mental health through its culture, management practices and policies, and through the values it projects,” it said.

Through the program, the VACC is helping automotive industry employers to better understand and identify work-related risk factors associated with mental health in the work environment.

The program’s activities focus on risk factors and provide information on how they impact on the workplace and guidance on how they can be managed.

The VACC said that employers will be assisted by program facilitators to assess workplace practices and to implement a mental health action plan tailored to their identified needs.

“Actioning the plan will both raise awareness and result in small incremental changes to create a more mentally healthy workplace,” it said.

“On joining, our facilitators will provide you with a free resource pack consisting of The Little Blue Book of Mental Health in the workplace, information posters, and your own Mental Health Action Plan Booklet for you to keep a record of changes that you may wish to implement,” the chamber said.

“You will have access to a dedicated page in the WorkWell Toolkit which provides resources and ideas to help build a positive and mentally healthy workplace”.

The VACC will also organise community hubs in metropolitan and regional areas, with details of these hubs on the VACC website.

Access to the program, and to receive the free resource pack, is also via the website.

By Neil Dowling

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