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Michaelia Cash

THE peak automotive dealership body has called for ongoing consultation with the new federal government on an Automotive Industry Code of Conduct after reporting significant progress with the outgoing Turnbull government.

Australian Automotive Dealers Association (AADA) CEO, David Blackhall, said the association was determined to advance this important policy with the new government.

“The establishment of a code is a key to bring some fairness and balance to the relationship between new-car dealers and offshore vehicle manufacturers,” Mr Blackhall told GoAutoNews Premium.

“The need to protect new-car dealers through an industry-specific code cuts across a number of areas of government and it is important that there is strong coordination between the various portfolios.

“This reshuffle has brought us a completely new ministerial team in the treasury portfolio and we will be seeking to form close relationships with treasurer Josh Frydenberg and his assistant ministers, Stuart Robert and Zed Seselja.”

In an important development, former jobs and innovation minister Michaelia Cash becomes Australia’s new small business minister as part of the cabinet reshuffle.

David Blackhall

Her formal title will be minister for small and family business, skills and vocational education, which reflects a new focus on family business.

Mr Blackhall said the AADA congratulated Ms Cash on her appointment.

“This is an important portfolio for our members as some 85 per cent of new-car dealers are owned by individual operators or family groups,” he said.

“It is also encouraging that skills and vocational education has been given to Minister Cash and we look forward to working with the minister to promote apprenticeships and address skills shortages in this very important industry.

“I also congratulate minister for industry, science and technology, Karen Andrews, on her appointment to cabinet and look forward to a strong working relationship.”

Mr Blackhall said the AADA was pleased to see the return of the small business ministry back into the cabinet.

In thanking former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull for his service, Mr Blackhall said the new-car dealers play an important economic role in Australian cities and regions, employing 70,000 people and contributing about $15 billion to the economy.

By Neil Dowling

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