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BUSINESSES are spending huge sums of money on alternative mobility services, yet the bulk of consumers have no idea they exist, according to a European mobility survey.

The survey by YouGov of 6000 consumers across Europe – which was the basis for the ICDP research report (see previous article) – found that awareness of alternative forms of mobility is generally low, even in the cities where they are operating.

It looked at car-sharing schemes such as Zipcar or Car2Go; subscription schemes (Porsche Passport and Book by Cadillac), and fully inclusive PCP leasing over two- or three-year terms, like Peugeot’s Just Add Fuel program.

The YouGov survey also found that only 15 per cent could see car sharing as replacing a main or second car; nine per cent said some of their existing car use could be reduced by car-sharing schemes; and 16 per cent could see car-sharing schemes replacing some of their public transport use instead.

The ICDP’s senior researcher, Gareth Arnould, said the attitude to car sharing was unrealistic because fleets would need to be huge to meet demand at all times, resulting in poor usage rates at non-peak times and increasing the costs of the program.

The ICDP said the request for PCP customers was well within the ability of manufacturers involved in the program.

The survey by YouGov found:

  • 23 per cent knew that car sharing existed, though in London, Paris and Berlin the recognition was 33, 34 and 35 per cent respectively. Of those people, 28 per cent said they would use the service.
  • 15 per cent were aware of subscription schemes and, of those, 28 per cent said they would be keen to use the program.
  • 37 per cent – the highest – knew about PCP leases and 37 per cent said they would use them when next owning a car.

The survey also found that consumers had some high expectations:

  • 76 per cent who said they would use car sharing said they wanted a car to always be available during busy times.
  • 75 per cent said they wanted to be able to leave the car somewhere different from where they collected it.
  • 15 per cent said car sharing could replace their second car.

When survey respondents were asked about subscription services:

  • 39 per cent said it was important to have a selection of brands.
  • 28 per cent wanted to be able to switch between vehicles every three-to-four weeks.

On PCP leases, the survey found:

  • 43 per cent of people interested also wanted additional services such as loan cars or some access to public transport.

By Neil Dowling

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